Mergers and Acquisitions are the acquisition of new companies or businesses. In order to carry out a merger and expansion successfully, some specialists are required to support the process and analyze it adequately.

As soon as you found a possible M&A Target due diligence is indispensable in order to illuminate the target company in every respect. Especially if it comes to M&A of companies of a foreign industry commercial due diligence is of particular importance. A holistic analysis is complex and requires expert knowledge in order to objectively evaluate the target company and to find adequate strategies with regard to a reorientation.

Damit Ihr M&A-Vorhaben zu einer erfolgreichen Unternehmserweiterung wird, bestimmen unsere Consultants mit Ihnen, welche Formen der Due Dilligence für Ihren Fall geeignet sind und führen anschließend die definierten Analysen durch.  Somit vermeiden Sie Fehlinvestitionen und wählen die richtigen Strategien für Ihre künftige Unternehmensentwicklung.

In order to determine the financial situation of the target company, financial due diligence is an integral part of every M&A audit. The analyses focus on assets, earnings situation and prospects as well as the financing structure. The cash flow analysis and risk analysis as well as other components of the FDD enable a holistic assessment of the return on investment. With the implementation of further due diligence forms, our due diligence consultants create a meaningful picture for you, so that you can make a fact-based investment.

Viele Unternehmen unterschätzen bei M&A die Komplexität des Vorhabens, was sich entgegen der euphorischen Erwartungen in Wertverluste und eine Verzögerung der Integration umkehren kann. Neben den unabdinglichen Due Dilligence Analysen bei M&A sind unsere Consultants darauf fokussiert, durch eine ganzheitliche Durchführung der Transaktion Ihren Unternehmenswert zu steigern. So ist sichergestellt, dass sich Ihre Erwartungen hinsichtlich  Umsatzsteigerung und Synergienutzung zeitnah realisieren lassen.

Innovative organisations always strive to increase the value of the company. On the one hand, created assets can be expanded, on the other hand mergers & acquisitions can be accelerated. In this context, increased transparency through value reporting and company valuations is required from regulatory authorities. 

Our experts carry out a comprehensive company valuation according to proven methods and guide you through the entire mergers & acquisitions process. We support you with our wide-ranging know-how on accounting (HGB and IFRS), taxes, deal structuring and asset management as well as our industry knowledge.

Financial models can be used in any company to support important decisions, to simplify the complicated financial situation and to present it at a glance. The software MS-Excel is a proven application for the elaboration of models. However, the creation of MS-Excel as well as business knowledge is required in order to avoid mismodelling and thus wrong decisions. In order to relieve you of this risk and the time required, we employ certified experts who create sustainable financial models for you.